Associação Brasileira Para Pesquisas em Endocrinologia e Diabetes

ASPED is comitted to  research and education related to endocrine and metabolic diseases.

For the last 25 years several research protocols were developed in conection with the Universitry of Pernambuco Medical School and the Division of Endocrinoloy and Diabetes at Agamenon Magalhães Hospital, Pernambuco State Health Authority and Teaching (UEDHAM).

Medical Education has been implemented by ASPED and UEDHAM with the Annual Course in Diabetes and Endocrinology. This meeting, active for 25 years, is held during the month of november of each calendar year, atracting more than 300 attendees from all over the country. It has also a strong scientific backgound where research and clinical protocols are presented by numerous internatonal and national experts. For 2021, as a virtual meeting, the following international speakers will be lecturing: John Bilezikian (USA), Daniel Hurley (USA), Simon Heller (UK), Barbara McGowan (UK), Bart Clarck (USA), Marconi Abreu (USA), Hossein Gharib (USA).

For the last 5 years, before the Covid-19 pandemics, the Annual Course was developed in association with the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) as part of AACE Brazilian chapter.

As soon as we have the opportunity to held in-person meetings again, hopefuly in 2022 in connection with ISE, november activities wil re-started.

ASPED president, Prof Francisco Bandeira, MD, PhD, MACE, is a full Professor of Medicine and Chief of the Endocrine Division at University of Pernambuco Medical School and Division of Endocrinoloy and Diabetes at Agamenon Magalhães Hospital, Pernambuco State Health Authority and Teaching (UEDHAM), Recife, Brazil.

Prof. Bandeira received his MD from the University of Pernambuco Medical School and completed his internal medicine and endocrinology training in Recife, Brazil. After further research and clinical training at Oxford University, he received his PhD from National School of Public Health in Rio de Janeiro. For more than two decades, he has conducted research in metabolism and bone disorders, and has published more than 100 articles in peer-reviewed English language journals.  He has served as editor or coeditor of 14 books in endocrinology.  In 2014, he coedited the “Problem-Oriented Textbook of Endocrinology & Diabetes,” which was well-received and the second edition is now ready for print.  He has lectured at Brazil endocrine meetings as well as many other countries, including the U.S., Jordan, Italy, Portugal, Argentina, and Chile. His scholarly activities have been outstanding and he is recognized as an international authority in bone disorders. He is the quintessential endocrinologist who has successfully combined research, teaching and practice in a unique model in Brazil.